School Office

Our School Office Staff are always here to help you, however here are a few items that may be useful to parents and carers.

Our School Day

The school day is organised as follows:

Breakfast club

8 am start – please arrive before 8.30 to guarantee breakfast. Pupils enjoy social time whilst they breakfast with friends and then the children move to different areas around the school for e-learning, interventions and phonic games.  This creates a very calm start to the school day without any rumbling tummies.

Nursery sessions

9am – 12 noon – morning session only

School sessions

  • the school gate is open from 8:45am and closes and 8:55am
  • Registration and first learning session: 8.55 am – 10.30 am
  • 10.30 am – 10.45 am – assembly
  • 10.45 am – 11.00 am  – break
  • 11.00 am – 12 noon  (KS1)
  • 11.00 am – 12.10 pm (KS2)
  • 12 noon -1.00 pm – KS1 Lunch
  • 12.10 pm -1.00 pm – KS2 Lunch
  • 1 pm – 3.25 pm (KS1 Break at 2.10-2.20pm)

Most of the sessions are split into smaller units of time. There is an assembly each morning.  Children working in EYFS have their breaks at other times and the day is broken up into smaller units of time.

After School Club

This takes place after school every day. A range of activities are organised and a snack is provided for the children. Please contact the office for costs and registration forms. This runs between 3.25 pm & 6 pm.

School Lunch

Please note, that lunches are currently free for children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. We would still ask that parents complete a Free School Meals form, however, to ensure entitlement beyond then, and to support us in applying for the Pupil Premium.

From September 2024 school lunches will cost £2.25.

To view our Dinner Menu, please select the link  – current Lunch menu – North Park

Downloadable Forms

After school Club registration letter and form
Leave of absence form
Nursery admission form
Uniform order form

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