Early Years Foundation Stage

Welcome to our Early Years Foundation

Our Early Years includes a Nursery and Reception classes. We have an exciting, friendly and nurturing setting where children learn through their play and exploration, within our enabling environment.

As children progress from Nursery into Reception class they will be directed to work within groups and develop skills to ensure they are ready to begin Year 1, with lots of focus on phonics, reading, writing and maths.

We post lots of information about children’s day to day learning on North Park’s Facebook page (see home page for the link).

Children also have the opportunity to develop their physical skills working with our very own trained yoga instructor.

We encourage reading for pleasure from the very start of your child’s time in school – we will organise for children to bring home Bedtime Story Bags each week with lots of exciting books for the family to share and enjoy.

At North Park Primary the curriculum is planned in the EYFS  to follow the statutory framework. All learning is planned according to the individual child, their interests and the way in which they learn, through discovery and exploration. We arrange lots of interesting and exciting activities to spark the children’s interest and enjoyment.  The statutory EYFS framework can be found by visiting the http://www.gov.uk/government/publications/early-years-foundation-stage-framework–2

Our teachers

Miss Taylor is the Nursery teacher. Mrs Swindells and Miss Parnaby support in Nursery.

Mrs Summerill is our Reception teacher. Mrs Archment and Mrs Taylor support in Reception.

Click here to find out more detail about the EYFS Curriculum

Admissions into Nursery and Reception


Have a look at our lovely Nursery – All about Nursery

Children are able to join our Nursery unit in the term after they have their 3rd birthday. If you would like to apply for a place in our nursery, please download the form below and return to school. Alternately you may call at the school office for a form. We will arrange an opportunity for your child to visit the Nursery and get used to the setting when they are ready to begin. At present we offer morning sessions only.

Nursery Application Form

We operate a morning Nursery at the start of the year; as numbers increase we may extend provision to an afternoon Nursery session; if we have space we can offer 30 hours provision (dependent upon numbers applying – limited numbers do not make this viable financially).

Parents are invited to attend Nursery for pre-visit sessions, staying with their child in the first instance. This means children can become familiar with the environment. New starters are then invited for further short visits, where they can be left with the staff in the unit.  Staff work hard to ensure younger children and new starters are supported and feel secure.


The local authority deals with admission for Reception class onwards. If your child has been to North Park Nursery, transition into Reception class is very smooth, as all staff will be familiar to them. For pupils who have attended a different Nursery, and are new to our school, we offer opportunities for parents to visit the school and meet with staff, and then for children to visit the Reception class on ‘new starter days’ in the summer term. This ensures your child can become familiar with their new class and the staff in school.

Pupils starting in Reception Class will do so gradually, staying for half days for approximately a week, and attending full time soon afterwards. Please see the letter attached for information on September 2024 transition arrangements and starting dates.

presentation – Reception class 2024 1 Reception letter

Our Reception teacher has also created a PowerPoint for any new parent/carers requiring information on starting Reception in September 2024.  Please see below for useful information:

presentation – Recpetion class 2024 1

Toileting Advice

We are often asked for advice on what to do if your child is struggling with toilet training. Ideally we would like children to be toilet trained as they enter Nursery; we know Health Visitors can give further advice around this. If your child enters Nursery needing some additional support (unless as a result of a medical condition) we would ask that you work with us and we will liaise with your Health Visitor and you to develop this skills as soon as possible. We have limited changing area space, but children have access to toilets in Nursery. Our letter below gives further advice and guidance around this.

We also have an intimate care policy where needed – see the policy section.

Toileting advice letter

Look at our Outdoor Learning Area…

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