Our Curriculum

 Curriculum Overview

The curriculum is all the planned activities that the school organises in order to promote learning, personal growth and development.

The aim of our curriculum is to encourage pupils to become competent, self-reliant learners, with the necessary knowledge and skills of the world about them. The curriculum is matched to the needs of all pupils and differentiated according to need and ability.

‘Leaders provide rich and meaningful experiences for pupils across the curriculum.’  OFSTED 2023

‘Key ideas link new learning. Leaders have identified the precise knowledge pupils need to remember and that teachers must assess. have identified the precise knowledge pupils need to remember and that teachers must assess.’  OFSTED 2023

In order to achieve this, the school places great value on the traditional skills of English and Mathematics as well as expertise in the fields of Science, ICT, Humanities, Arts and Physical Education. The school curriculum includes all the elements of National Curriculum and statutory Religious Education, but also includes personal, social, health and citizenship education and other cross-curricular themes. The curriculum underpins the development of children spiritually, morally, socially and culturally (known as SMSC).

Curriculum Vision

We deliver a curriculum full of new experiences, that creates a thirst and enthusiasm for learning in child centred, language rich environments.

Curriculum Intentions

 We have 5 key intentions, which drive our curriculum. These are:

  1. To develop resilience, thinking skills, independence in learning and in life
  2. Reading, language and vocabulary development at heart of the curriculum
  3. Raising aspirations through rich experiences
  4. Promoting enquiry and investigation
  5. Promoting respect and responsibility.


Close relations between home and school are vital if every child is to fulfil their potential during the time they spend with us – our knowledge rich curriculum, good relationships with parents, and our high expectations for behaviour and achievement underpin the success of our school.

Children join our school with a wide variety of experiences and starting points. Our curriculum is designed to meet the needs of all of our children and our community. We pride ourselves in providing rich, meaningful experiences across all subjects, focus on and emphasise language and vocabulary and offer numerous opportunities for children to develop resilience and independence. Each of our core intentions is evident through each subject and the work we do is underpinned by theory and research. We invest in training and developing our staff to make sure curriculum delivery of the highest possible standard.

We wish to promote these core values through all we do in school

  • Love of learning – Pupils will have the opportunity to develop interest, enjoyment and curiosity, to explore, discover, question and research.  Pupils are encouraged and expected to aim high and develop resilience to tackle challenges. They will have the chance to work collaboratively, as well as developing their self-confidence and independence.  We work hard to provide a rich range of learning experiences in a meaningful context. 
  • Friendship – children will develop their skills of cooperation, friendship and trust.  Children  are expected to show consideration for others and to value each other’s contributions, ideas and thoughts.
  • Respect – we have a positive, nurturing ethos where each child is valued and respected as an individual. We also develop respect for one another and for the society on which the children live, locally, nationally and internationally. 
  • Responsibility – we encourage children to develop their independence and to take on responsibility for their actions – both what they say and do.  Pupil voice is strong at North Park and pupils take on key roles during their time in school.  Pupils develop confidence when they represent school at events, on school council, as buddies, School Sports Council members and as Eco Warriors. Taking responsibility for looking after the community and world in which they live is also encouraged and children are regularly involved in local and national events within the wider community. 
  • Equality – The school is committed to ensuring we celebrate difference and promote equality in all we do.  Everyone must welcome and celebrate all others in school. Everyone is treated equally.

Equal opportunities underpin the work done within both the explicit and implicit curriculum. Pupils are regularly taught about the diverse society we live in and our Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural guidance prepares the pupils to be effective citizens in life.


Nursery and Reception ClassIn the Early Years Foundation Stage learning is delivered through structured play. There is a balance between child-initiated learning and adult-led tasks based on the Early Years Curriculum, covering the prime areas of learning;

  • Personal, Social and Emotional development;
  • Physical development;
  • Communication and Language;

As well as specific areas:

  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding of the World
  • Expressive Arts and Design

Areas of learning are set up in the Foundation Unit, which operates in two adjoining rooms, along with a lovely outdoor space. Staff rotate around the unit, interacting with the children, as well as leading specific tasks. The curriculum is developed around half-termly themes over a two-year rolling programme.

Me and My FamilyFood and Feasts
Nursery RhymesThe Pond
The FarmJourneys
AnimalsCreepy Crawlies

Visit the EYFS curriculum pages for more information.

Years 1 – 6

In Key Stage 1 and 2 the curriculum is designed to cover and develop a range of skills, knowledge and understanding in all subjects. Within each term there are opportunities for meaningful links between curriculum areas. In addition some subject areas may be taught discreetly. All areas of the National Curriculum are covered comprehensively in a broad and balanced way, giving pupils the chance to develop key skills as well as in depth subject knowledge. The National Curriculum is made up of the Core Subjects and the Foundation Subjects.

Core SubjectsFoundation Subjects
LiteracyArt and Design
NumeracyDesign Technology
Science Geography
Religious Education History
Physical Education
MFL - French (KS2)
Additional subject - PSCHE (Learning for Life)

Curriculum Plans

Visit our Curriculum Planning to find out what we will be learning in each subject, and  Our Classes section to see our curriculum for each Year group and view how we promote British Values here at North Park Primary school.

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

At North Park Primary school we believe that inclusive education means providing all pupils with appropriate education and support alongside their peers. The Curriculum is all the planned activities that the school organises in order to promote learning, personal growth and development.  Our SEND Policy is located in our School Policies section. Further information can be found in the SEN Information Report. If you would like to discuss your SEND requirements in detail please contact the school to arrange an appointment.

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